Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sleep Writing

Does anyone else do this? I should really call it dream writing. I will dream about writing an entire chapter or two, know every single detail, and then wake up and Poof! it disappears.

Talk about disappointing.

I used to do this when I was little, too. I'd dream that I finished an assignment, or took a test, only to wake up and find out I still had to do it. Rats!

And then other times I'm not writing, but rather I'm reading. I have a tendency to read before going to bed and when a story's on my mind, it doesn't let go. I'll spend an entire night dreaming about reading the book. Boy, does my mind have some crazy plot twists! That's actually what happened last night. I've been reading Norah Roberts' Sign of Seven trilogy (I won't get into my lit review here :), so of course I dreamed of demons, guardians and Coca-Cola in the ultimate battle of good vs. evil. What a night.

Has this ever happened to you? I kinda think it's fun--not the most restful sleep, but it sure is entertaining.


Bethers said...

I guess that's why they suggest having pen and paper by the bed at night, but with my luck, I'd DREAM about writing it down and not really do it...

Joshua McCune said...

I usually dream about horrific things (3rd person observer, though sometimes I have to do lots of running) -- not sure what that says about me, but most of it's probably too dark for reality.

Holly Rutchik said...

My hubby sleeps with a tape recorder and trained himself to talk into it in the middle of the night.
Sometimes you have no idea what he is saying, but it help him remember.
i think its a great idea because there have been many nights when i half wake up and then try and make myself remember in the morning. it just leads to stress, staying up, not getting back to sleep and, i never remember what I want to!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Yes! And it's so frustrating to wake up and lose all of the great details. Argh! :-)

Stephanie Damore said...

That's creepy Bane. Horrific dreams, heck even mildly scary ones, are disturbing. Maybe that's why I think of butterflies and ice cream before I go to bed?

Stephanie Damore said...

See Holly and Bethers, I can't talk or write after I have these dreams because then I'll be awake and unable to fall asleep, which IMO is forgetting what I was dreaming.

Although Shannon is right, it's totally frustrating at the same time.